I know Bruce Nauman mostly because of his conceptual and often humorous early video work and that is what I was most interested in at the time. I remember teachers lecturing about his verbal and visual language in art class as being more of a sort of ground breaking performance. Tonight I saw some of the very pieces talked about in class that looked already old back then and look ancient now. However the humour in it never ceases to make me giggle. Bruce also made some amusing electrifying neon signs that I discovered today walking around the Tate Modern late at night (yes by the way the Tate is open until 10 PM on Fridays and Saturdays).
Violent Incident, 1986 is a simple scenario in which a simple joke escalates into a violence, played out four times by actors.
Run from fear, Rub from rear, 1972 neon tubing with clear glass tubing suspension frames
Double Pike in the eye II, 1985
Neon tubing on aluminum frame
Raw material with continuous shift MMMMM 1991, projector two monitors two DVD players two DVDs two videotapes
His body of work however
via PressSync