A couple of months ago a good friend of mine who is an avid art collector completely shocked me one night after dinner. He said he had decided to sell the prized art collection he had gathered in the past decade. I couldn’t believe it when I heard him say he wanted to to get rid of it all. I thought he went bonkers or was going through a midlife crisis or had too many glasses of prosecco but he wasn’t kidding. As a matter of fact he already had an art gallery interested in his collection and was already in talks about a show. So finally last week I went to the opening of BAD BOY! at New Art Projects from July 29 – September 20, to see it with my own eyes.
I interviewed Klaus Breucker and asked him some questions:
P: What type of art moves you?
K: … difficult to say. Generally contemporary art with a darker twist . The gothic hidden in pop ?
P: What are the main pieces in your collection and what is your favourite?
K: There are two main pieces in the show: Gilbert & George , Mauro Peruchetti and also Marilene Oliver…
P: Oh yeah, I love her work she is exceptional and very moving.
K: My favourite in this show is Artist Anonymous as I have seen the pairing and the photograph next to each other for the first time since I bought their piece.
P: Yes I remember meeting them for their show Bedlam at The Old Vic and Lazarides. They are quite interesting. So why are you selling your collection?
K: I have lived with the collection for 10 years . I wanted to experience how it feels to sell .
The first pieces were Nancyboy originals from eBay. In bizarre circumstances I discovered that Stuart Semples studio in the same building as where I lived ( Nancyboy), the story is well documented in the Nancyboy exhibition I organised for The Book Club.
P: When did you start collecting and what was your first piece?
K: The first serious piece was my Damien Hirst Valium print. There is a funny story about that
P: Oh the Valium print?
K: Yes
P: where did you aquire your art?
K: Well my art I mainly bought at fairs and from galleries but some from artist directly.
P: How did you manage to get the gallery space and what now?
K: Through my contact in the art world that know me… I’m on to a new adventure.